Monday, June 20, 2016

Love - A Cheesy Thing

Nothing might ever be as consuming as love can be. It always takes us to the extremes... extreme happiness, extreme sadness, extreme madness, and anger. But no matter how negative it can get, it still makes us choose to feel it, 'cause love is a crazy thing. It is the only invisible thing that could get us to that level of insanity. I know, right? Love comes in so many ways, in so many forms. After watching an incredibly exceptional movie "Me Before You" (by Jojo Moyes by the way), I felt somehow compelled to think whether William Traynor was selfish or selfless for choosing to die than to spend the rest of his life with Louisa Clark who unconditionally loved him and wanted him to live. As the movie goes, I imagined myself being in the woman's place. I would say he was being selfish. He was about to rob Louisa an immeasurable happiness for doing what seems to me to be really foolish as I was watching. Then the movie ended and I found myself in the man's place and realized, however, that it was the most selfless thing to do, to suffer a momentary heartache for a well-lived future of the other. It was selfless, and heartbreaking at the same time. I hated the ending I must say 'cause it made me cry, but that's love. It is always heartbreaking. It has always been, in different ways. Nevertheless, what they did was, in my perspective, a brave thing to do.

How is true love measured anyway? I don't even know the exact answer myself, but everybody probably know there's no right or wrong answer for that question. Love comes in many forms, and each of us had wished being loved in many different ways. Me, for instance, picture out true love with my man keeping himself awake in the middle of the night just to look after me when I'm sick, or running after me after a fight, hugging me while sobbing, a kiss on the forehead and things alike. Others may like it to be an easygoing one, others see it in gifts and surprises. The universe is just too vast to define love, but in every corner there is its existence.

 Mr. Traynor told Ms. Clark, "Live well". I fell like I have lived well when I have loved. Our lives are well-lived when we love. Life is too short to be just bitter. Life is too short to deprived ourselves to experience its beauty and divinity. Some people find it really cheesy, of course. Who said it isn't? But that's love. It is cheesy, and beautiful.

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